Happy Tails

Patient's Name:
Patient's Gender:
American Bulldog/Boxer Mix
Reason for Visit:
Splenic Tumor
Dr. Name:
Adwana Windom, DVM
North Seattle Veterinary Clinic
Hank, a 7-1/2-year-old American Bulldog/Boxer mix is the pride and joy of his owner Michael. Since Hank’s adoption in 2015, they have been inseparable; taking in all life’s adventures together.
Since his adoption, Hank has been a regular client of North Seattle Veterinary Clinic with his dad always making sure Hank was up-to-date on his essential veterinary care. It was as part of Hank’s regular exam that his doctor, Dr. Adawna Windom, first noticed a not uncommon skin tumor. Unfortunately, during the removal of this skin tumor a much more serious condition was detected. Hank had a massive splenic tumor that needed to be removed right way and biopsied to determine if Hank had cancer.
Michael was at a loss of what to do next, especially since he simply could not afford this advanced surgery due to his fixed, retirement income. That is where Vets Helping Pets came in to help. Dr. Windom reached out to apply for, and was approved for, a grant to help cover the costs of Hank’s care.
Hank did well during surgery and was soon on the road to recovery, minus a five-pound unwanted mass from his abdomen. In even better news, the mass was found to be benign! Hank did not have cancer.
Hank and Michael are now back to doing what they do best; enjoying their time together free of the worry of Hanks’ health. Both are incredibly grateful to the team at North Seattle Veterinary Clinic and the Washington State Animal Health Foundation.